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Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Training 

Digital Marketing Training In the age of ubiquitous screens and lightning-fast connections, digital marketing reigns supreme. It’s the pulse of every brand, the invisible hand shaping brand narratives, and the driving force behind online success.

What is Digital Marketing Training?

Digital marketing training equips you with the knowledge, skills, and strategies to effectively promote brands and businesses online. You’ll master various digital channels like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing (SMM), Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, Email Marketing, Content Marketing, and Analytics to craft winning campaigns and achieve optimal online visibility.

Why Choose Learning.360-bytes for Your Digital Marketing Journey?


Learning.360-bytes is your launchpad to a thriving digital career. Here’s why we stand out:

  • Industry-relevant curriculum: Our updated curriculum reflects the latest trends and best practices in digital marketing, ensuring you stay ahead of the curve.
  • Experienced trainers: Learn from digital marketing experts with years of practical experience in the field.
  • Interactive learning: Dive into engaging lectures, hands-on workshops, real-world case studies, and live projects to gain practical skills and build your confidence.
  • Certification focus: Get prepared for industry-recognized certifications like Google Ads, Hubspot Academy, and Hootsuite, boosting your employability.
  • Strong career support: Our dedicated placement team guides you from resume building to mock interviews, connecting you with top companies in the digital domain.
  • State-of-the-art infrastructure: Train in a modern and well-equipped learning environment that fosters collaboration and creativity.

Course Curriculum


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • Search engine basics
  • How search engines work?
  • What is web site
  • how to register to a web site
  • Hosting of a website
  • Domain extensions
  • What is keyword?
  • What is keyword density
  • Keyword research and Analysis
  • Google sandbox effect
  • HTML Basics

On page optimizations

  • Meta tag optimization
  • Title, Description, Keyword and Other Meta tags
  • H1, H2, H3 tags
  • Keyword research, density analysis
  • Image optimization
  • Existing web content optimization
  • Anchor text
  • Use of robots.txt, Uploading robots file
  • HTML Validation
  • Cloaking
  • Creating XML Sitemap
  • Creating HTML Sitemap
  • Creating ROR Sitemap
  • Creating Text Sitemap
  • Submitting sites to google/yahoo webmasters
  • Creating Google webmaster code
  • Creating Google Analytics code
  • SCHEMA implementation
  • URL Renaming and rewriting

Off page optimization

  • Search engine submission
  • Directory submission
  • Blog creation and posting
  • Tools for density, position, tracking
  • Google places submission
  • Article submission
  • Social book marking
  • Free classifieds
  • Press releases submission
  • Link building

Advanced SEO Contents

  • Names of search engine spiders
  • Google Analytics Setup, Content Analysis
  • Google Analytics cookies
  • Page views, Bounce Rate etc.
  • Email tracking in Google Analytics
  • Referral traffic Analysis in Google Analytics
  • Visitor’s Analysis in Google Analytics
  • What are annotations in Google Analytics?
  • Goals and funnels in Google Analytics
  • Custom reporting in Google Analytics
  • Admin section in Google Analytics
  • What is google Panda?
  • What is google Penguin?
  • URL Remover
  • Query Deserve Freshness
  • Canonical links
  • What are site links?

Social Media Optimization (SMO)

  • What is social media?
  • How it can be useful in Business?
  • Conversations, relationships, word of mouth and transparency
  • Social media tools and networks
  • Establishing online identity
  • Blogging – why and what?
  • Types of blog posts
  • Blog creation, Submission, Promotion, Commenting
  • Research methods for quality writing
  • Engaging audience with Video

Making use of Facebook

  • How to use
  • developing a fan page
  • Facebook apps to share contents

Making use of Twitter

  • How does Twitter work?
  • Setting up an account
  • Re-tweets, hash tags and lists
  • Enhancing twitter with apps
  • Tweeting rich media

Making use of LinkedIn

  • Profile creation
  • Building connections and get recommendations from others
  • Have presence through news and discussions
  • Pulling all social media platforms together
  • Monitoring social media performance and developing action plan
  • Develop strategy

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

  • Google PPC Campaigns
  • Introduction to Ad words (pay per click)
  • Ad-words account setup
  • Creating an account and tracking code
  • Ad-words Dashboard
  • Billing in Ad-words
  • Creating first Campaign
  • Account limits in Ad-word
  • Location and Language settings
  • Landing page optimization
  • Networks and devices
  • Bidding and Budget
  • Schedule: start date, end date and scheduling
  • Ad delivery, ad rotation, frequency capping
  • Demographic bidding
  • Social Settings
  • Ad group and Keywords
  • Purpose of add groups
  • Keyword types – Broad, phrase, exact, Negative
  • Remarking
  • Ad-words keyword tool
  • Text Ad format
  • Quality score and its importance
  • Columns customization
  • Filters
  • Text Ads and Guidelines
  • Image Ad formats and guidelines
  • Targeted Ads on Google Display network
  • Dynamic Ads on search network
  • Display Ad Builder Ads and guidelines
  • Video Ads format
  • Contextual Targeting tools
  • CPC Bidding and CPM Bidding
  • Conversion tracking
  • A/B Testing
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Ad-words Editor
  • Google my client Centre
  • Google AdWords API

Google YouTube Campaigns

  • An introduction – why video marketing?
  • Understanding available Video platforms
  • How to optimize this channel.
  • How to gain more subscribers.
  • How to work with your YouTube audience
  • YouTube Ad formats
  • YouTube Analytics
  • Video Manager
  • YouTube Video Dashboard
  • Video Bidding cost per view
  • How it works
  • Advanced features
  • What content and when to publish it on YouTube
  • Building your Brand
  • Importance of written word to promote video
  • Direct visitors to your web site through YouTube
  • Legal implications

Facebook Campaigns

  • An Introduction
  • Why its is famous
  • Business benefits of facebook profile
  • Do’s and Don’t of business profile on Facebook
  • Facebook advance features
  • Etiquette on Facebook
  • Getting your message across
  • Building your Brand
  • Connecting and research with Facebook
  • Driving visitors to your web site through Facebook
  • Enhancing Facebook activity
  • Communication with Facebook friends
  • Generating leads through Facebook
  • Your company on Facebook

Your competitors on Facebook

  • LinkedIn Campaigns
  • Introduction to LinkedIn – How it works
  • Company profile vs individual profile
  • Setting your LinkedIn strategy
  • LinkedIn advance features
  • Etiquette on LinkedIn
  • LinkedIn Marketing
  • Building your Brand
  • Creating Right Profile to attract new prospects and clients
  • Developing network to increase your visibility
  • Use of advance features to find new potential prospects
  • Participating sensibly, establishing own recommendations, endorsements
  • LinkedIn for recruitment
  • LinkedIn for Business development
  • LinkedIn as a tool for job seekers

e-mail Marketing

  • Things that you can do with email
  • What is email marketing?
  • When / What / Whom to send email?
  • Common mistakes to be avoided
  • Setting up contacts and List management
  • Permissions and e-permission marketing
  • Defining your goals
  • HTML vs Text emails
  • e-marketing Strategies
  • e-mail automation and workflow automation
  • Conversion and performance metrics
  • Tracking landing pages
  • Choosing your metrics
  • A/B testing
  • Multivariate testing
  • Analysing test results

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Course Instructor


Manbir Singh

UI and UX Expert Passionate and innovative UI Designer with a proven track record of translating complex ideas into intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces. Adept at combining user-centered design principles with the latest industry trends to create delightful and functional digital experiences. Committed to delivering compelling designs that enhance user satisfaction and drive business success.   Key Skills:
  • User Interface (UI) Design: Expertise in crafting visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces that align with brand aesthetics and enhance usability.
  • Interaction Design: Skillful in designing interactive and engaging user experiences, ensuring seamless navigation and a positive interaction flow.
  • Prototyping: Proficient in using prototyping tools to create interactive prototypes, allowing for effective testing and iteration.
  • Usability Testing: Experienced in conducting usability testing to gather valuable user feedback and refine designs accordingly.
  • Adobe Creative Suite: Mastery in using tools such as Adobe XD, Photoshop, and Illustrator to bring design concepts to life.
  • Responsive Design: Knowledgeable in designing interfaces that are responsive across various devices and screen sizes.



Arvind Kumar

Corporate Trainer


Brajesh Sharma

Full Stack Expert


Pankaj Thakur

Digital Media Marketing Expert


Course Includes:


  • 3 Months Training on Digital Marketing

Lessons Timings:

  • Mon- Fri (Weekdays Classes): 2 hours’ daily
  • Weekend Classes (Office Premises): Saturday & Sunday
  • Fast Track Classes: 3-4 Hours daily Online Classes: Mon to Sun

Who This Course For:

  • Fresher’s Programmers
  • Experience +2 year learners Gap in job
  • Software Developers
  • Testing Professionals


Bsc, BCS, BCA, BE, B.Tech, MSc, MCS, MCA, M.Tech (No Previous Programming Knowledge Required)

Material Includes:

  • 7.5 hours on-demand video
  • 10 articles
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion